Soul Guided Self-Care: A Workshop
Brain-fogged out.
Exhausted – physically, mentally, and energetically.
Quite sure that change is needed; but very unsure of where to even begin.
–> Any of these resonate with you? Maybe more than one?
It’s no wonder – our social feeds are flooded with political differences & accusations, tragic events, and all the things we need to do (supplements, workouts, how much rest we need, etc.) to be healthy… and that’s on top of whatever our daily lives hold right now: jobs, family, friends, social obligations, paying bills. Our lives are crazy-busy, often filled with stuff we don’t want to be doing, and our health (overall) is alarmingly not good.
As someone who has worked within the self-care space for a handful of years now, I still feel those things – I am currently feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, and brainfogged-out. I’ve long since let go of the mentality that life is always supposed to be amazing. I believe we’re here to have the full human experience: heartbreak & anguish to presence & enlightenment (and everything in between). It’s that belief that has me digging into self-care in a new and different way.
Everywhere we turn, we’re hearing about some form of self-care (or alignment… or biohacking). It’s become SO popular – like really popular; but it’s been commercialized and it can easily feel like yet another thing to add to our to do list or yet another supplement we should buy.
My take on self-care: you start with the end result first (what do I need from my self-care) and then work backwards. Instead of having a daily routine (read: I need to do these seven things every morning so I can have a good day), the routine is actually tuning into our body to see what we need in that moment. Our day-to-day can change so much by how we slept, what we ate, what the day holds, our hormones… so having a morning (or evening) check-off list becomes just another checklist. Sure, it might feel good to check the box; but are those things truly what you need?
What we’ll cover in my workshop:
* Debunk 5 Self-care myths
* Define what self-care looks like for you and how to tune into what you need – including an embodiment practice you can do at home (you’ll leave with your own definition of self-care, which is so important in knowing what “counts” as self-care for you)
* Create a list of self-care practices based off of what your body & soul need in the amount of time you may have available
My self-care mindset comes from learning, through personal experience, that it’s our daily practices that change our lives. What we need, what our bodies need, can change from day-to-day, so a “self-care routine” might not always be the best answer.
And also, I love this quote by Brianna Wiest:
“True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake. It’s making the choice to build a life you don’t need to escape from.”
Here is the line-up of my upcoming Soul Guided Self-care Workshops:
Monday, February 17 | 6-8pm | The Green Door in Clermont, Iowa
Monday, February 24 | 6-8pm | Sweets Hotel in Le Roy, Minnesota
Wednesday, February 26 | 6-8pm | The Yoga Studio in Decorah, Iowa
Sign-up here: